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Landlords with houses in multiple occupation (HMO) and multi-unit freehold blocks (MUFB) in their portfolio are reaping the highest rental yields, according to research by Precise Mortgages.

Yields on houses in multiple occupation were typically 7.1% in the first three months of 2018, 1.3% higher than the market average, the study carried out by BDRC Continental showed.

Multi-unit blocks were found to yield 6%, compared to 5.8% across all property types, over the same time period.

However, average yields dipped slightly in Q1 2018 to 5.8% from 5.9% in the last quarter of 2017 and are now at the same level as Q1 2017.

Smallest landlord portfolios have lowest yield

The highest average yields of 6.7% were achieved on portfolios of between 11 and 19 properties, underlining the continued rise of the professional landlord.

By contrast those with just one property achieved yields of 4.8%.

On a regional basis, landlords with portfolios in the North West reported the highest rental yields at 6.7% while central London portfolios produced the lowest average yields at 4.8%.

Precise Mortgages managing director Alan Cleary noted that experienced landlords were looking to rebalance their portfolios given changes in the market.

“As HMOs attract multiple tenancies, gross rental income tends to outstrip single lets and rental income is more secure even if one tenant leaves a void,” he said.

Source: Mortgage Solutions UK

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